About IAC advice
Section 144 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Act 2013, states that the purpose of the Independent Advisory Council (IAC) is to provide independent advice to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) Board about the way the NDIA performs its functions.
IAC advice draws attention to the most important issues affecting participants, family and carers, and considers the way in which the NDIA is addressing those issues. Over the years, the IAC has produced a range of formal advice, as well as the papers, reports and submissions that are available below.
Read and download IAC formal advice
Over the years, the IAC has produced a range of formal advice. Formal advice is the advice the IAC gives the NDIA Board about the delivery of the NDIS, as outlined in the Section 144 of the Act. The IAC provides formal advice to the NDIA Board on its own initiative, or at the request of the NDIA Board. Formal advice to the Board must go with a statement, called an Agency response. The NDIA Board forwards both the advice and the Agency response to the Ministerial Council.
Read and download the IAC’s discussion papers, submissions and reports
Over the years, the IAC and its Reference Groups have produced a wide range of papers, reports and submissions for the NDIA, its business areas, and other external stakeholders. These can be produced at the IAC’s own initiative or at the request of the Agency or other stakeholders. This work helps the NDIA and other stakeholders get up-to-date information about priority issues in the disability community to inform work in progress.
The IAC develops and delivers these papers, submissions and reports as part of its own operating procedures. They are not a requirement of the NDIS Act, so are not required to be presented to the NDIA Board and Minister with an Agency response.
Draft lists of NDIS supports - submission
Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Response Inquiry submission
NDIS provider and worker registration submission
Resetting the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework submission
Reforming the disability ecosystem in Australia submission
Embedding people with disability and the NDIS in the community submission
Improving outcomes for people with disability under the National Disability Strategy and the NDIS - Submission to the Department of Social Services (December 2020)
Citizens with disability at the heart of the National Disability Strategy - Submission to the Department of Social Services (October 2020)
Employment issues - Submission to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (July 2020)
Challenges in housing and support (November 2019) Paper
Challenges in housing and support (November 2019) Summary of Issues
Enhancing outcomes from social and community participation (September 2019) Paper
Enhancing outcomes from social and community participation (September 2019) Summary of Issues
Flexibility as a tool to seek value for money (September 2019) Paper
Flexibility as a tool to seek value for money (September 2019) Summary of Issues
Capacity building: Insights from NDIS data (July 2019) Paper
Capacity building: Insights from NDIS data (July 2019) Summary of Issues
NDIS participant employment taskforce: IAC submission (April 2019) Paper
NDIS participant employment taskforce: IAC submission (April 2019) Summary of Issues
Support Coordination (October 2018) Paper
Removing anomalies in plan management (June 2018) Paper
Removing anomalies in plan management (June 2018) Summary of Issues
Issues paper: Transport and the NDIS (May 2018) Paper
Examining support coordination in the context of the intermediaries (March 2018) Paper
Innovation in the NDIS (March 2018) Paper
Pathway to contemporary options of housing and support (March 2018) Paper
Pathway to contemporary options of housing and support (March 2018) Summary of Issues
Peer support and disabled persons and family organisations (December 2017) Paper
Peer support and disabled persons and family organisations (December 2017) Summary of Issues
Self-management: Value and strategies for growth (July 2017) Paper
Self-management: Improper use of payments (July 2017) Paper
Self-management: Risks related to abuse for self-managing participants (July 2017) Paper
Self-management: Risks related to poor employment practices for self-managing participants (July 2017) Paper
Self-management: Lexicon (July 2017) Paper
The first four years report 2013-2017 (June 2017) Paper
At a glace: View the work of the Independent Advisory Council (June 2017) Paper
Self-management (July 2017) Summary of Issues
Barriers to housing and support (July 2017) Paper
Continuum of housing and support: Building blocks for supported living (July 2017) Paper
Activating capacity building in the NDIS at surge and at full Scheme roll out (April 2017) Paper
Activating capacity building in the NDIS at surge and at full Scheme roll out (April 2017) Summary of Issues
Submission into the delivery of outcomes under the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 to build inclusive and accessible communities (March 2017) Paper
Submission to the productivity commission into NDIS costs (March 2017) Paper
Peer work in the NDIS (February 2017) Paper
Guidance on the application and promotion of peer work in the NDIS (2017) Paper
Enhancing self-direction and self-management: Recommendations from the co-design self-management workshop (December 2016) Paper
Co-design self-management in the NDIS workshop (November 2016) Paper
Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS in its reference into the NDIS and mental health (November 2016) Paper
Support coordination and the sustainability of the NDIS (November 2016) Paper
NDIS supports for independence (September 2016) Paper
NDIS supports for independence (September 2016) Summary of Issues
Support coordination as a tool of capacity building in the NDIS (August 2016) Paper
What should the NDIA understand about intellectual disability? (May 2016) Paper
Building capacity and reducing vulnerability in participants in closed systems (May 2016) Paper
Building capacity and reducing vulnerability of participants in closed systems (May 2016) Summary of Issues
Equitable access to the NDIS by people with cognitive impairment on the margins (May 2016) Paper
Equitable access to the NDIS by people with cognitive disability in touch with the criminal justice system (May 2016) Paper
Support for decision making: key issues (April 2016) Paper
Implementing the NDIS for people with disabilities related to mental health (December 2014) Paper
Promoting independence for people with disability (October 2014) Paper
Reasonable and necessary support for families (October 2014) Paper
Reasonable and necessary support across the lifespan: An ordinary life for people with disability (October 2014) Paper
Reasonable and necessary support across the lifespan: An ordinary life for people with disability (October 2014) Summary of Issues
Planning to facilitate opportunities enabled under the NDIS (September 2014) Paper
Participant planning in the NDIS (September 2014) Summary of Issues
Promoting self-direction in the NDIS (August 2014) Paper
Mental health and the NDIS: A literature review (2014) Paper
Choice and control (August 2013) Paper