About the IAC

The Independent Advisory Council (IAC) comprises 12 Members who represent a wide range of disability and advocacy sectors, bringing their own lived experience or expertise of disability.

The IAC’s independence is determined by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Act 2013, providing advice on its own initiative or at the written request of the Board. Advice is given in relation to the ways in which the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA):

  • performs its functions in relation to the Scheme

  • supports the independence and social and economic participation of people with disability

  • provides reasonable and necessary supports, including early intervention supports, for participants in the Scheme launch

  • enables people with disability to exercise choice and control in the pursuit of their goals and the planning and delivery of their supports

  • facilitates the development of a nationally consistent approach to the access to, and the planning and funding of, supports for people with disability

  • promotes the provision of high quality and innovative supports to people with disability

  • raises community awareness of the issues that affect the social and economic participation of people with disability, and helps with greater community inclusion of people with disability.

The IAC’s important role is described in the video above.


IAC’s Operating Model

In 2019, the IAC adopted a new Operating Model. The IAC’s Operating Model strengthens the impact of IAC in improving Agency policy and strategic outcomes. The priorities of the IAC and its Reference Groups are now better aligned with the Agency's to ensure the voice of participants remains at the centre of the NDIS.

The IAC Operating Model comprises the following four key steps:

1. Identify and prioritise

  • Formal request from NDIA Board for advice within the forthcoming financial year.

  • Consideration by the IAC alongside self-identified priorities.

  • Work plan developed and endorsed by IAC. IAC submission of work plan to NDIA Board confirming agreed areas of focus, including indicative timelines for advice and assessment of any specific additional support requirements.

2. Mobilise

  • NDIA representation identified, including recipient business area/s for the advice, formal invitations issued.

  • Research, literature reviews or think pieces commissioned and input sought from the broader community.

  • Development of the advice is supported by the NDIA's IAC team and IAC’s independent consultant.

  • IAC’s Reference Groups also consider advice.

3. Advise

  • Agency response prepared by the identified NDIA representatives for Board submission, alongside IAC’s advice.

  • Board deliberation - advice and Agency response endorsed.

  • Advice and any actions planned in response submitted to the Ministerial Council and the Minister for the NDIS.

4. Implement

  • The Agency lead reports its progress to IAC and Board every six months, seeking additional implementation advice.

  • Products from IAC advice finalised for active dissemination.

You can find more information about how the Independent Advisory Council fits alongside the other governance arrangements for the NDIS here.


IAC’s Work Plan 2024-25

The IAC has a Work Plan for 2024-25.

The Work Plan is available as an information sheet and in Easy Read:

This Work Plan is guiding us on the work we are doing during 2024-2025. It focuses on 7 priorities:

  1. NDIS participant pathways and assessments

  2. Navigators

  3. Home and Living

  4. Foundational supports

  5. Self-management and flexibility

  6. Participants who are ageing

  7. Palliative care for participants.

As part of this plan, IAC aims to deliver advice to the NDIA Board that improves the NDIS for the best participant outcomes.

We also aim to strengthen community ties and trust through our Work Plan. We do this by working with:

  • Disability Representative and Carer Organisations (DRCO)

  • state and territory disability councils, and

  • the broader disability community.

We will also work together as part of the NDIA’s co-design work.

IAC’s Work Plan is our guide. It maintains the accountability and performance of IAC’s work.

IAC’s Work Plans are flexible. They may change throughout the year based on both IAC and NDIA priorities.