Mr Vaughn Bennison

Mr Vaughn Bennison joined the IAC in January 2025. He brings a broad range of experience with over 25 years’ involvement in media and communications, including 4 years as Chair of RPH Australia (the peak body for the Radio Reading Network), manager of Print Radio Tasmania and as a proud volunteer and board member of Radio 4RPH in Queensland.

He has managed a state-wide team in a key disability service provider. As Disability Policy Officer with the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network, he led work on accessible ICT procurement, accessible communications standards, and more. He is now the CEO of Disability Voices Tasmania, working on systemic and individual advocacy, striving for equality for disabled Tasmanians.

Mr Bennison is a staunch advocate for the human rights of disabled people, particularly their right to live their own lives free from discrimination, harassment and inequality, as well as having access to the resources required for independence – whatever that means for the individual. He has been heavily involved with Blind Citizens Australia for many years, producing the organisation’s weekly radio program, online and broadcast coverage of conventions and other key events. He now serves as president of the organisation.

As a proud blind person, Mr Bennison lives in Hobart.