IAC meeting bulletin, 12-13 September 2024

The Independent Advisory Council (IAC) to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) met in Perth and online on 12-13 September 2024. Members discussed work on their advice to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) Board, as well as:

  • what they have heard in their communities

  • their Work Plan for 2024-25

  • the NDIS Amendment Bill and way forward.

Ms Leah van Poppel, IAC Principal Member and NDIA Board Member, led the meeting.

Ms Van Poppel welcomed attendees from the Agency, members of the Board, Dr Richard Fejo and Dr Peta Seaton AM. They provided a brief update regarding the upcoming Board meeting, scheduled for September 2024 in Geelong.

The NDIA’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and members of the strategic leadership team also came to the meeting to hear members’ reports from the community and to discuss legislative amendments.

What members have heard in their communities

IAC members acknowledged the significant change period for the IAC and wider disability community, with the NDIS Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024 recently passed by the Parliament, while also awaiting the Government’s response to the Independent Review of the NDIS (NDIS Review). Members noted concern in the community around the lack of understanding around foundational supports. There was also recognition of the importance to remain respectful and kind in these challenging times.

While members acknowledge the Agency’s co-design work on planning there is some concern that participants may be experiencing issues with plan reviews and rollovers. There were reports that some ‘check-in’ phone calls from the NDIA lead to unanticipated plan outcomes for participants.  

Members raised concern that some support coordinators are leaving the sector. This is impacting participants getting the support they need. They also noted, there is confusion about whether NDIS funds can be used for worker’s compensations premiums for workers engaged through contracts. Members urged the Agency to address this urgently.

NDIS Amendment Bill and way forward

Members welcomed senior leadership’s update about the recently passed Scheme legislation, due to come into effect on 3 October this year. Members urged the Agency to strengthen its preparations to communicate about these changes to participants and their families, staff, registered providers, and partners. They stressed that a considered communication campaign – with clear messaging, the right engagement and distribution channels – is used to promote awareness ahead of the commencement of the legislation.  

IAC Work Plan

Members shared their views on how to prioritise areas of advisory work for their Reference Groups, as set out in their 2024-25 Work Plan. They agreed to amend their Work Plan and identified foundational supports, navigators and participant pathway as their priorities for advice. The IAC will consider updating its guiding principles to include gender considerations.  

Advice on participants who are ageing

The IAC discussed their draft advice to the Board on participants who are ageing. Members received documents for their consideration, including:

  • preliminary draft of the advice, including a plain English summary.   

  • literature review, including research that supports its advice.

On the IAC’s progression on other advice, it was noted that:

  • the Agency’s response to the IAC’s ‘Enhancing NDIA practice in behaviour support’ advice is bring progressed.

  • ‘Improving the NDIS for children and young people’ was sent to the Minister for the NDIS after being noted by the Board in June 2024. The Minister will share that advice and response with the Disability Reform Ministerial Council, before it is released to the public.  

More information on the IAC  

The IAC will next meet on 7 November 2024. Find out more about IAC meetings and bulletins at the IAC website.

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