Home and Living Reference Group meeting bulletin, 16 April 2024

The Independent Advisory Council (IAC) Home and Living Reference Group (Reference Group) met online on 16 April 2024. They discussed:

  • what they have heard in their communities

  • NDIS Review recommendations about home and living and navigators

  • co-designing reform.

IAC Members and Reference Group Co-Chairs, Dr George Taleporos, and Dr Leighton Jay led the meeting. Dr Jay shared an update on the work of the IAC and other IAC Reference Groups.

What Members have heard in their communities

Members shared that many people with high support needs are concerned about the average shared support ratio proposed by the NDIS Review. They are concerned that setting an average ratio of one support worker to 3 participants may limit their choice and control. Members called for clear and consistent information on these recommendations and what might change.

Members discussed the shortage of accessible housing in some areas, especially for people with psychosocial disability. They also highlighted the importance of ongoing support for people with psychosocial disability.

Members shared concern for people with disability in contact with the justice system. They highlighted the difficulties they face in contacting the NDIS to access support.

NDIS Review recommendations

Reference Group Members discussed the NDIS Review’s recommendations on home and living.

Members shared that home and living funding should meet the participant’s needs and support their choice and control. They highlighted that some people with high support needs do not want to live with others. They also advocated for more research on what home and living support participants need to live a good life.

Members shared that it is important to think creatively when planning home and living supports for people with disability. They discussed the role of flexible budgets in this and how to keep participants safe when using flexible funding. Members noted that it is sometimes hard to use innovative home and living solutions in plans because of some state and federal laws.

Proposed navigator role

Reference Group Members discussed the navigator role proposed by the NDIS Review. They shared that navigators should be an ally to participants and have strong ties to their community.

Members stressed the importance of giving people with disability choice and control related to their navigator. They questioned if using grant funding to deliver navigation services is appropriate.

They also shared concerns that introducing a navigator role may make the NDIS more complex.

Co-designing reform

Dr Taleporos shared updates on the NDIA’s work to co-design reform. This includes work to improve information sharing on home and living supports and make requesting home and living supports easier.

Members shared that co-design must support people with disability to have a say in decisions that affect them. They also stressed the importance of getting the implementation right to fulfill the aims of co-design projects.

More information on the Reference Group  

The Home and Living Reference Group will next meet in July 2024. Find out more about IAC and Reference Group meetings and bulletins at the IAC website.

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