Children, Young People and Families Reference Group meeting bulletin, 27 November 2024

The Independent Advisory Council (IAC) Children, Young People and Families Reference Group (Reference Group) met online on 27 November 2024. They discussed:

  • what they have heard in their communities

  • how the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is implementing its supported decision making policy

  • the NDIA’s strategic communications for children, young people and families.

Ms Leah van Poppel, IAC Principal Member and IAC member and Reference Group Co-Chair, Dr Sharon Boyce, led the meeting.

What members have heard in their communities

Members shared reports of some planners having conversations with participants that turn into planning discussions or roll over of plans without adequate notice or consent. The community fear participants are at risk because planners call at inconvenient times and insist on holding a planning discussion. The NDIA noted this is not usual practice. The NDIA encourages participants to report these kinds of incidents via the NDIS complaints line.

Members raised concerns around the NDIA’s letters about eligibility reassessments. Occupational therapists are receiving a high volume of assessment requests. The costs of these assessments are a challenge for some families. The NDIA noted that it is working with the community to improve its communications on assessments.

Members noted the value of music and art therapy and shared community concerns about recent policy changes. The NDIA clarified that NDIS participants will continue to have access to music and art therapy. From 1 February 2025 how participants access music and art therapy will change.

Participants will be able to access these supports through two different ways through their community participation budget:

  • At a 1 to 1 rate of $67.56 an hour when delivered by a registered provider.

  • At a group rate of $193.99 an hour when delivered to a minimum of 4 participants by a registered provider. This will support participants to have greater opportunities for inclusion and participation in the community.

Members raised how there has been little consultation about short term accommodation (STA). They shared how many young people use STA as part of moving out of home and group homes. Members noted the importance of STA support being used to build participant capacity and independence as well as help informal carers maintain their parenting, sibling or other family relationships.

Implementing the supported decision making policy

The NDIA provided an update on its supported decision making policy. They are developing staff training around the policy, using real life examples as a guide. The NDIA shared how it is also developing an advisory group to guide the implementation of the policy. The advisory group will first meet in early 2025. Members shared they were keen to hear more about the implementation of the policy as the work progresses.

The NDIA shared its work with Inclusion Australia on a website with resources for participants and their supporters. They are testing the site and call it the ‘resource hub’. Members expressed enthusiasm for the hub and its resources and are anticipating many positive outcomes from it. Members encouraged the NDIA to ensure existing resources can be found through the hub. The NDIA also provided an update about staff and partner training on supported decision making.

Strategic communications for children, young people and families

The NDIA gave an update on its engagement efforts with children and young people on changes to the NDIS Act. The NDIA is working with the Children’s Taskforce to share information and is looking to fill any communication gaps. Several online sessions targeting young people were held from October, with more to come. Members encouraged the NDIA to invite young people into co-design discussions when creating age-specific materials.

The NDIA shared that it is using external translation services to translate its messages into languages other than English (LOTE). It is also using community radio and other media to reach out to LOTE communities. Members asked for clearer information to determine which audiences the NDIA’s communications are targeting.

More information on the Reference Group

The Children, Young People and Families Reference Group will next meet on 17 February 2025. Find out more about IAC and Reference Group meetings and bulletins at the IAC website.

Information in Easy Read

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