Children, Young People and Families Reference Group meeting bulletin, 25 September 2024

The Independent Advisory Council (IAC) Children, Young People and Families Reference Group (Reference Group) met online on 25 September 2024. They discussed:

  • what they have heard in their communities

  • the work of the NDIA Children’s Taskforce

  • ways the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can help build capacity in young people

  • ways to engage with the disability community to capture the voice of children.

Ms Leah van Poppel, IAC Principal Member and IAC member and Reference Group Co-Chair, Dr Sharon Boyce, led the meeting.

What members have heard in their communities

Reference Group Members reported young people feel negatively impacted by the NDIS co-design and consultation process, particularly around the reforms and new legislation. Members reported there is not enough easy to understand, youth friendly content.  

Members discussed if foundational supports should be general or targeted. They discussed how potential changes to the administration of foundational supports is causing uncertainty, about whether there will be enough foundational supports for children and young people in the future. Members noted the Department of Social Services is the lead agency for foundational supports.

Members noted delays in getting early childhood intervention supports in regional, rural and remote areas. This is impacting some families seeking to access the early intervention pathway.

Funding issues were noted, including some overspend in plans. One concern was that local area coordinators or support coordinators ask for more assessments than a participant needs. Members also discussed how young people in prison find it hard to access their NDIS funding.

Members raised general issues faced by young people with disability and complex or high intensity support needs. This included concern about housing insecurity. Members also raised that the NDIA’s new computer system should allow more flexibility in planning. One example shared was how the Agency is working with participants and their service providers to gradually reduce support levels, but the computer system locks in the supports roster, so the allocated money becomes less flexible.

Update about the NDIA Children’s Taskforce

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) presented an update on its Children’s Taskforce, and how it is working for young people, their families, and supporters.

Members called for clearer information for families. They also noted the need for improved guidance to support an outcomes-driven approach. Members would like to see a stronger participant focus and options for more tailored support.

Ways the NDIS can help build capacity in young people

Members discussed how the NDIA’s Supported Decision-Making Policy works for young people, their families and supporters. Also, how the youth voice is captured in the policy. Members spoke of the value of:

  • young people being more able to have a voice and make decisions

  • better guidance on the policy and its implementation that all parents can understand

  • working with parents to find out what’s best for their child

  • making sure the approach has a family and domestic violence focus

  • understanding the legal rights of children, and ways to include diverse communities and other smaller groups.

Capturing the voice of children

Members discussed the best approach to capture the voice of children in the NDIA’s work. They said it’s important:

  • that children are encouraged to share the progress and experience with NDIS

  • to focus on children over 9 years with a targeted approach, with engaged partners and providers

  • to find more ways for young people to be brought into co-design  

  • for the NDIA to continue its work on co-design and its Children's Expert Advisory Group.

More information on the Reference Group

The Children, Young People and Families Reference Group will next meet on 27 November 2024. Find out more about IAC and Reference Group meetings and bulletins at the IAC website.

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